CCNP Security
CCNP Security (Cisco Certified Network Professional Security) personnel manages security in Routers, Switches, Networking Devices, and appliances The certified professional is responsible for configuring, supporting, and resolving Firewalls, VPNs, and IDS/IPS solutions for their networking environment They should be able to secure network design and execute with the help of Cisco Secure Access, Edge Network Security, Threat Control, and Secure Mobility solutions.
These professionals have an in-depth understanding of deploying Cisco’s Identity Services Engine and 802.1X secure network access. The CCNP Security experts deploy and monitor network access security by using the Cisco ISE appliance product solution. They set up different advance Cisco security solutions for mitigating outside threats and securing devices connecting to the network. The security personnel decreases the risk to IT infrastructures and applications using Cisco’s ISE appliance feature.
The CCNP Security professional offers operational support identity and network access control. They will identify and troubleshoot the Cisco network security appliances and the Cisco IOS Software devices that comprise your network's security. The professional configures Cisco perimeter edge security solutions with the help of Cisco switches, Cisco routers, and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) firewalls. The Certified Expert is responsible for executing and managing the security of the Cisco switches, Cisco routers, and Cisco ASA firewalls.
The Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) personnel should protect the data crossing a public or shared infrastructure. They have to execute and monitor Cisco VPN solutions. It is the responsibility of the CCNP Security professional to resolve remote-access and site-to-site VPN solutions with the help of Cisco ASA adaptive security appliances and Cisco IOS routers. They have to capable of implementing Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), as well as web security, email security, and cloud web security.
The professional has to over the security on Cisco ASA firewalls utilizing the Cisco Next-Generation product solution. They have to troubleshoot Network Access Control and should take care of the Web Authentication and Guest Access. The professional will have a good understanding of Cisco ISE Fundamentals, Advance Access Control, and Endpoint Access Control.
Job Description
The CCNP Security professional job involves understanding Cisco Identity Services Engine architecture and access control capabilities. These professionals must oversee the implementation and operation of 802.1X architecture. The security personnel should have an in-depth understanding of commonly implemented Extensible Authentication Protocols (EAP). They execute the public-key infrastructure with ISE and MAC authentication bypass. The professional manages internal and external authentication databases. They have to look into ISE posture service and ISE profiling.

The CCNP Security professional sets up the basic ASA settings, interfaces, and static routing. They should be able to examine the behavior of the ASA by using various features. The professionals must carry out remote administration by both SSH and HTTPS/ASDM. It is the responsibility of this professional to install the Basic Device Management authenticated by NTP and Syslog support.
The professional must understand and execute Cisco modular Network Security Architectures such as SecureX and TrustSec. The CCNP Security personnel implements Cisco Infrastructure management and control plane security controls. They will oversee the Cisco later 2 and layer 3 data plane security controls. The professionals have to deploy and monitor Cisco ASA Network Address Translations (NAT) and Cisco IOS Software Network Address Translations (NAT). They should create and implement Cisco Threat Defense solutions on a Cisco ASA utilizing access policy and application and identity-based inspection.
The Cisco Certified Network Professional Security personnel is responsible for deploying Botnet Traffic Filters and Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewalls. The professional will set up and verify the Cisco IOS ZBFW Application Inspection Policy. They have to explain different VPN technologies and implementations along with the cryptographic algorithms and protocols that provide VPN security. The CCNP Security professional will take care of the Cisco site-to-site VPN solutions.
The professional is responsible for installing the Cisco FlexVPN in point-to-point, hub-and-spoke, and spoke-to-spoke IPsec VPNs. CCNP personnel handles any issues related to endpoint security and dynamic access policies (DAP). They should have a good understanding of Cisco clientless SSL VPNs, Cisco AnyConnect SSL, and IPsec VPNs. The security personnel will deploy the Cisco Web Security Appliance and Cloud Web Security.
Educational Qualifications
The CCNP Security professional must have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, telecommunications, electronics & electrical or other related fields. Candidates with relevant work experience are more likely to get hired. Some organizations also opt for candidates with a master’s degree or a specialization related to networking and security.
Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security)
The CCNP Security certification program verifies the skills of the candidates to secure network design and implementation using Cisco Secure Access, Edge Network Security, Threat Control, and Secure Mobility solutions. The certification is designed for individuals who are interested in working with routers, switches, networking devices, and appliances.

The Indeed Salary estimate states that on an average CCNP Security professional salary ranges from approximately $87,915 per year for Network Engineer to $109,474 per year for Network Security Engineer. As per Payscale, for this position, the professional earns about $113K per year in the United States.
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